Schiit DAC/Source thread, Bifrost / Gungnir / Yggdrasil / Urd

I had a similar experience, until the Tungstens showed up :slight_smile:


Congrats on getting a set !

From what I’ve seen on threads the Tungstens are one of the harder to drive sets perhaps maybe even surpassing the Susvara.

It could very well be a synergy issue too… You could try experimenting with raising / lowering the voltage on the Hypsos to the OOR I mean it can make a difference - not overly dramatic and it does seem to be more headphone dependent or should I say load dependent. My TH909s reacted more to voltage changes than did the Susvara as an example. If you do make voltage changes - make a change and let it ride for a week or so before making another change. I suggest 1v increments.

Caveat is that though there were changes, I still ended up in the end just going back to defaults. But that’s me and I’d hate to discourage you from trying. I mean thats a feature the Hypsos - being able to adjust the voltages to do some last mile tweaking and if it makes a difference for you that could be a big win.


Has anyone here tried the schit lokius?

I dont really EQ but if for 300 I get to play with 6 very well chosen frequencies, just to trip around, and I love knob eqs.

The question finally comes down to signal degradation and value proposition


Value is inarguable imo, you can’t beat that. As for sound, I don’t own one, but some folks I trust on the forum have it and report very good results.

I think if you (or I) had a multi $K setup then no, I’d skip it or possibly get the Loki Max if I wanted to do hardware EQ. But for $300 it’s pretty hard to go wrong if you want to play with an old skool hardware based non-parametric equalizer.


Exactly, the tech is too good for the price

Yes I do habe the multi K setup and this is literally a toy to fidget in the desk, but I wonder if its like a keeper or just a gimmick ;(


I dont like the design or the features of the loki max, I can make a very nice PEQ and I prefer not to.

Its mostly the lokius knobs and its a good design, it doesnt loom massively system degrading even at several $K stuff but its not for quality sound use.


My Schiit GS2 arrived today!


Impact during shipping. Should be repairable easy enough but it does suck.


Hello all,

Yggy users, do any of you have experience with other DACs that provide the same kind of heft as the Yggy? My second replacement Yggy + GS2 wasn’t working either. I requested a refund, but I could still ask for a third replacement (they promise to test it and make sure it works) or I could go with a used Yggy. I remembered how the Yggy + GS2 + v222 + HD800s delivered such a hefty, engaging sound with the HD800s.


Mojo Mystiques are probably your next best bet for a dac with umph.


A Mystique V3 would probably be at the level of the Yggy, any of the Evo line or the X would be a step or two up and give you similar fun type of slam but more refined.


I upgraded from an Yggy to a Mystique X SE and it gave me everything I liked about the Yggy but more of it.


Thanks for all the suggestions! I looked over them, but I want to keep it under $2k. I’m even thinking about buying an old BF2 OG in the meantime.


A Pontus II may be a good choice as well and those can be had for around $1100 easily. You want the 12th upgrade if not a 12th version, but they’re going to be harder to find at that price.


Hey guys, a friend of mine is selling his Benchmark DAC3 HGC, does anyone knows how that compares to a Gumby?

Not sure if it would be considered an upgrade.

No first hand information but what I’ve heard is that they’re good in a reference clean sort of way, but not engaging or fun. That said, a lot of people seem to like the Benchmark line.

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