Koss headphone thread, KSC75 / Porta Pro / KPH30i / ESP

@FiCurious Yup. Koss’s little secret…but we know!


Does anyone here happen to know if the Sennheiser HD25 pads fit the PortaPros?

Pulled out the esp950s after awhile, always forget how good these are, especially with vesper pads. Went back to stock pads, and while the greater closeness is nice, the vespers really just feel more spacious, organic, and a bit more technical, although stock are more neutral for my pair. Really just great overall. Leaving them on for awhile fixed some issues with buzzing I thought were going to cause a return for a new one


arent they like decades OOP? Do they still service them?

Lifetime warranty baby. But I don’t really know tbh lol


I was really impressed when I had them on loan. Even though I prefer more bass than what they provide without EQ, I didn’t mind because they just sounded good.


I’ve been looking forward to breaking mine back out, now that we’re in a more humidity favorable time of year here. I’ve got Yaxi pads on mine. Just a stock energizer, but had been curious to see someone speak on the affordable Topping unit that came out, or there’s the SRM-007Tii that @Draaly has listed here. Both of these require an adapter as well… Sigh.


That’s awesome that you have a pair. I only heard them off of the stock energizer and I was impressed. Maybe some day I’ll get around to ordering a pair.

That new iFi amp/energizer looks pretty sweet, though I think I saw that it would retail for around $3k (?).