General Source Gear Help/Discussion Thread

I think arc doesn’t work because it has to get through the cable modem router and the Google WiFi router to get to my core. I’ve tried to set it up a few times and gotten stuck because of that. It’s been a while so I should try again.

I haven’t been able to actually complete the setup for it.

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ARC is fussy with these types of set ups, there is a process to figure out the steps needed such as port forwarding and enabling some other stuff with each router, I’m over simplifying those details. A friend had to submit a ticket with Roon to get it working.

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When you say Roon Arc doesn’t work, do you you mean when you’re not at home?


Yes. I can’t even complete the setup for it. The reading that I’ve done seemed to suggest it’s because the core is essentially behind two routers.

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I don’t trust anything with Google.
I don’t trust anything with Apple.
I don’t trust anything with Amazon.

Fuck Alexa, fuck Siri and fuck Googlia. I know it’s partially irrational, but only partially. So I couldn’t’ bring myself to actually use their networking hardware knowing that all their crap is constantly listening in on the various consumer devices… what could they be doing actually routing traffic on my network.

Share the error message you get during a diagnostics. Port forwarding on the router is usually the issue if you haven’t already looking into that.


Wait weird. Isn’t everything technically downstream of the Google Hub from your cable modem in room 1? So the Roon Core, Hermes and DSDjr are all on the same singular Mesh network?

Yes, that’s right.

When I was doing a lot of gaming, I was worried about extra ping from connecting to wireless so I had a line put in so my PC could connect over lan directly to the modem’s router.

But it means that in order to find my Roon core, I guess arc has to go through the modem’s router and the google wifi router and it just doesn’t seem to want to do that.

I also have no smart speakers or hubs or anything like that for similar reasons. A buddy was talking about using them to turn on lights and I said “So you replaced the universal example of a simple/easy task (flipping a switch) with a voice command? It just doesn’t seem like this will lead to an improvement in my life. Now if it could take out the trash or shovel the driveway, I might be willing to trade away some of my privacy” :rofl:

If google is snooping on my internet traffic, god help whoever has to wade through that.

I’ll try and run through Arc setup again and copy the error message.

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You don’t need two routers, you only need one and the second can be a switch. A router is going to route from one network to another and it usually also assigns IP addresses etc. But for connecting your PC yo only need a switch to then connect to that router.

Does this mean I should buy a switch/hub and only use one of the 4 ethernet plugs on the back of the cable modem?

Sorry I’m kind of an idiot when it comes to this stuff.

Edit: I’ve been thinking of upgraded to the newest docsys 3.x modem since the speed we pay for is technically faster than what the current modem can handle so if I can buy one without the router built in and rely on the google one, that would save some cash. I supposed I’d still have to buy a cheap switch/hub but that’s probably cheaper than paying for the cablemodem + router model

Double edit: I at least knew enough to disable the cable modem’s own wireless network so that’s not buzzing around the house

If they’re both acting as routers, yes you’ll have an issue. Though you should be able to port forward the same port on both devices.

If your not on the same subnet it won’t work at home.
If you want to go wired you want one router and a switch, or to set up one of them to act as a switch rather than a router.
The way my office is wired (where I have the cable modem is

Modem → Eero Router → Switch → Hard Wired machines

Everything else in the house is running off an Eero, my living room system is hard wired off the ethernet out from a second eero router, which is not acting as a router.

The Modem isn’t routing, so the Eero is still acting as the only router.

You really don’t want 2 subnets in your house network if you can possibly avoid it, it will just cause problems. And you don’t want a router feeding into a router, NAT is already problematic (though less so with modern hardware), doing it twice basically prevents any software connecting reliably to an incoming request without manual configuration.

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Looking to form a list of:

  • integrated tube amps
  • around $3K used but flexible
  • have relatively many tube rolling options (either a specific tube type that has many good options or has ideally supports multiple tube types)
  • nice to have: phono pre built-in

LTA Z10 and MZ3 come to mind but don’t fit perfectly with the requirements… what else can people think of?

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Headphone or speaker?

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speakers :slight_smile:

Any particular speakers in mind or do you already have them? Definitely easier to work backwards if you’ve got a short list of speakers.

Are you including hybrids too?

I’m working in parallel lol
I’m buying a new-old turntable and want to get that set up with a more “it isn’t perfect and I’m fine with that” chain around it

Could yes

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Figured, lol. Settling on one would probably make settling on the other much easier. You al least know if you want to stay lower power, like 40 WPC give or take?

Here are some options in that price range readily available, though the tube rolling is a bit different given these respond well to to n ew production tubes:

Link says 200, but it’s the 300 page.

The Primaluna is very similar to the typical Cayin/Line Magnetic/LSA amps. Pretty sure they share the same factory. On the Primaluna, I have a buddy who is motivated to sell his amp. No phono stage on that one.

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Yeah definitely going with higher sensitivity stuff and not expecting this setup to cover my electronic collection. It’s for records and late evening cozy listening. I want it to contrast my digital chain - more vintage stuff, more tubes, more nice and warm and enveloping, focus on analog fun and not big black boxes lol
Tube rolling will be fun with a setup like this I imagine since it won’t be about chasing TOTL anxiety and perfectionist sound but something balanced and fun

Will check it out thanks. Phono is a nice to have because it’s one less component to think of (and cables etc).

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