FM Acoustics thread, 155 / 255 / 122 / 223 / 133 / 233 / 411 / 711 / 108 / 111 / 115

Well, the high performance of the clone is due to something. It’s not quality and cost the parts. And it’s not the craftsman like construction.

Hats off the to FM Acoustics Folks for a great design!!

Seriously is a great design, it’s been around for quite a long time unchanged until recent lol.


Do you suspect and risks and hazards with the build quality of the clone? Either through the outputs or potential fire etc

Would you connect this to a higher end system and feel comfortable from that perspective at least? Morals aside lol

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I have no idea, nothing looks off on the outside, it works, and I don’t plan on poking around inside, only time will tell? Someone with actual experience in deciding that would need to get their hands on it lol

Not really, because it will really limit that system, and it’s not worth the risk. I’m currently doing just that, but not for an extended period of time and already tested it on a sacrificial amp beforehand