Entry level to midfi level headphones ($0-$800 ish) discussions

That’s correct. The Nighthawk, Nighthawk Carbon and Nightowl are all discontinued.

They pop up pretty frequently on the used market though.


regarding nighthawks if you contact audio quest you can get replacement parts for them. I wanted to stock up on the rubber suspension things for the cup and they seem easy to replace if they ever break on you. they are $25 each kinda steep but having a pair I think is kinda worth for the sake of longevity of the headphone


So that $25 was for a set to replace all the rubber suspension parts for one cup? Not bad honestly. Glad to know you can get them. Might have to get a pair to save just in case since I know the hawks will stay with me for the long haul. Similar to the Mojo. I’ve found where you can order replacement batteries for around $40 so I’ll probably pick one of those up so I can increase the lifespan of the Mojo’s portability.

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yep $25 a cup looking up tear downs you can just pup off the cup and get easy access to the screw holes instead of trying to finness it with the cups still on

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I didn’t put much thought into it but as the BHC+Speedball has a slight discount I just went with that instead, the nighthawks are gonna have to wait :sweat_smile:

crack + speedball kit is 400usd for 50 units from their official page.


They have sales on them one or two times a year. The kit goes in the $300s for the crack + speedball mods, iirc.


Yeah, this is the first sale so far this year and the retail price (w/speedball) increased from $400 to $464, so the discount brings it back to the previous cost. Last year there were 2 sales (october and may) were the c+s dropped to $300 but im not sure those prices are coming back.


Their anniversary sale is in the fall i think or maybe that is whats happening right now. Still $398 is not shabby.

This reminds me that i really need to build mine.

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Wow, that is really good information to know. I was just thinking about what the fuck I am going to do when my pads eventually deteriorate due to use. I might shoot them an e-mail this week and see if they have any pads/rubber parts in inventory still, thanks for the heads up!

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Definitely a +1 from me for Elegia/Clear/Nighthawks. Got my Elegia new for like ~450ish and honestly it seems like a steal comparing to what I’ve heard now. Clears at 900 are pretty good, but I think I would have been a bit disappointed if I paid full 1500 price tag honestly; even though these are my main headphone at this point.

Still wishing Audioquest made headphones… I wonder if they know they have a cult following on some forums :laughing:


Hey just chiming in,

I think HD800 SDR mod(second hand) might fall into this category. Probably the highest resolution w/ amazing separation I could hear from a headphone(It’s so close to an actual hd800s with negligable difference) at this price point. Downside is that it cannot sound intimate.

If melting away problems with relaxation, falling asleep to even the most upbeat EDM is your thing, LCD2.1/2 pre-fazor hands down what really showed me what warm sound is all about.

To be MORE cheaper.

The Axel Gram known HD580 Precision. This one blew me the most when I tried a friend’s setup apart from his source chain. They should have been what HD660S sounded like. They scale incredibly well with gear.

Can’t think of any closed back other than E-mu Teak. I only hear people say BASSSSS when they talk about it.


Yooooooo super worth my boi! I got that amp and it’s dope!

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Cant wait, not much else to say im way too hyped for that sweet beyer combination